Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Good Stuff

I'll post more links today, but bear in mind that I haven't used all of them yet, so I can't make any clear recommendations. Here ya go:

WritingUp (another content site) (job listings for writers)

How to start a desktop publishing or graphic design business (a pretty good article on desktop publishing) (a great site for up and coming writers) (a bidding site for freelancers) (a neat blog exploring how bloggers make money blogging)

Ezine Article on getting your blog noticed (tips on attracting readers to your blog...obviously I haven't employed these techniques yet, LOL)

WAHM's Blogging Forum (the same forum I've referred to previously, but this particular area is devoted strictly to blogging)

Along with the sites I've posted over the past few days, these should keep you pretty busy if you're just starting out. And, if you're not just starting out, please post any other resources that you have as well as proffer your opinion on any of the ones I've posted that you may be familiar with.


Yesterday, I did a little editing and managed to hammer out another article on mystery shopping which I completed at about 4 this morning. As stated yesterday, I'm really just working to get my legs back. Not that I ever stopped writing, but I did take a break and, for me, there's quite a difference between writing solely for pleasure and writing to publish. I'm very blessed to be in the position not to have to worry about making a living, especially from writing, but I definitely still want to earn an income from it. Wanting something as opposed to needing it, however, gives me the time and space to figure things out at my own pace for which I am very grateful.

And speaking of publishing, I went ahead and posted a short story and a poem over at Associated Content. Check my content
page out over there whenever you have the time.

Today, I'm working on a few more ideas, putting the finishing touches on the two articles I've done this week and dusting off my Writer's Market to get ready to send them off. So please, keep me in your prayers. I'll probably add a few more pages over at AC, too. I still haven't heard if the article I sent them this weekend has been accepted, but I'll keep you posted either way.

Until next time, remain focused and remember that writer's write so make some time to do exactly that today!



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